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Darby Pops Off: “Life is Like a Box of Comic Books” by Phil Crain

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on May 6, 2016

Here on Darby Pops Off, one theme holds true across all of our blog posts, all of our guest writers. There’s something magical about comics. Some power that hooks people early on and never lets them go. Comics certainly never let animation professional Phil Crain go, as he shares with us below. If you have… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “What Makes a Comic Book Fan?” by Bob Ulrich

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on April 15, 2016

What do you get out of reading a comic book? It’s an interesting question and one that most of us could answer any number of ways. I read them because they’re entertaining. I read them because I want a good story. I read them because I like to study the art styles. With so many… Read more

A Look at the Bruce Lee Wing Luke Exhibit

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on April 20, 2016

While Darby Pop was in Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con, Darby Pop founder, Jeff Kline, took some time to visit the Wing Luke Museum’s Bruce Lee exhibit Do You Know Bruce? Breaking Barriers and take the “Bruce Lee in Chinatown” walking tour. With permission from Wing Luke and the Bruce Lee Estate we’re proud to… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “The Separation Between Cartoons and Comics” by Tom Pinchuk

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on April 8, 2016

For a time in my childhood I was obsessed with superheroes, especially Spider-Man, the X-Men, and Batman. There was one important reason why these three captured my heart. Because they had cartoons. Reading an issue of Batman, made me hyped for the next episode of Batman: The Animated Series and vice versa. The comics were… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “If You Don’t Do Well at a Convention, It’s On You!” by Dylan Gray

Written by Kristine Chester | 2 Comments | Published on March 25, 2016

Running a booth at a convention is a marathon, one that requires not only physical stamina but social stamina. For many of us introverted comic geeks this can be rather difficult, but it can be made easier with the right techniques to approaching con-goers. Darby Pop Promotions Coordinator Dylan Gray has some advice on how… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “Why So Serious?” by Zac Atkinson

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on March 18, 2016

Deadpool is many things. Crude, violent, but most of all it’s a fun and funny comic book movie, which is such a relief to see coming from a studio other than Marvel Entertainment. I felt the same way back in 2008 when I saw the first Iron Man. It was a comic book movie that… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “The Next Level” by Steven L. Sears

Written by Kristine Chester | 2 Comments | Published on March 4, 2016

These days you can’t look anywhere without seeing a comic book turned television series or movie. It’s no secret there’s not a lot of money in comic books. Some writers script and draw and produce a comic book with the sole purpose of getting their foot in the door at a television or movie studio…. Read more

Darby Pops Off: Jeff Kline on the Quality of Covers

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on February 19, 2016

On Darby Pops Off we’ve discussed the value of a good comic book cover, but what about something more mundane? Something that might as well be invisible to most of us. The quality of the cover: the material your single issues are made out of. Personally I hate the glossy smooth covers that grace some… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “Voice of Authenticity” by Kristine Chester

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on January 29, 2016

After two years as the online voice of Darby Pop, and the last few months writing intros for Darby Pops Off, it feels like I’ve shared a lot of information about myself, but there’s one fact I don’t think has come up yet. I’m transgender. Being trans gives me a slightly different perspective on the… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “Olivia the Intern” by Olivia Ryder

Written by Kristine Chester | 1 Comment | Published on January 22, 2016

In the world of publishing, you’re always on the move. It makes learning the ropes a real struggle when you’re the ‘new guy’ on the team. On top of all of your job related responsibilities, you’re learning terminology, figuring out where a particular title is at in its life cycle, even remembering the names of… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “Why Artists Should Not Sell ‘Fan Art'” by Joel Rivers

Written by Kristine Chester | 38 Comments | Published on January 1, 2016

Art exists in a gray area. Anyone who has ever been to a convention has run across a booth that sold unlicensed fan art: art prints, posters, or on the spot sketches of our favorite characters from pop culture. The question is, when money exchanges hands, is the artist being paid for the work they… Read more

Darby Pops Off: “Guerrilla Writing” by Jeff Marsick

Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on December 4, 2015

I doubt any writer in the history of the craft has claimed to have too much time to devote to their writing. The couple of hours dedicated to working on your latest script can easily be overtaken by chores, friends, and dozens of other distractions. How then do you make time to write? Jeff Marsick,… Read more