The Legacy of King Oberon’s FAKE EMPIRE is Revealed in the March Solicits
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on January 7, 2016
The March solicitations have been released. Below you can find all the information you’ll need to preorder our books from your local comic shop.
Diamond Order Code: JAN16 1563
Eric Palicki (W) • Vinnie Rico (A) • Sina Grace (CA)
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Fairies have always existed in secret, without a kingdom of their own, living side-by-side with humankind. But when one of his own children is murdered, King Oberon asks his surviving daughters – newly minted NYPD detective Charli and wingless black sheep Lucy – to find her killer amidst the citizenry of New York. As Charli and Lucy delve deeper into the mystery, they begin to discover the extraordinary measures their father has taken – some clever, some desperate – to keep an entire people hidden in an increasingly treacherous world. For Charlie and Lucy, unmasking their sister’s executioner will mean confronting their own blood-drenched legacy.
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