SANTA CLAUS PRIVATE EYE Trade Paperback is Out this November
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on November 20, 2017
Santa Claus: Private Eye, an all-new, full-length crime fantasy releases as a trade paperback on November 29, 2017, courtesy of Darby Pop Publishing. This not-so-merry tale was written by Jeremy Bernstein with interior and cover art by Michael Dorman and Rob Schwager.
One day each year, Santa Claus brings presents to children all over the world. The other 364, he moonlights as Nick Santana, a down-on-his-luck detective, trying to make his way in the lonely city. Instead of his red and white suit, Nick sports a trenchcoat and fedora. Instead of the North Pole, Nick works dark corners and rain-slicked streets filled with gangster, guns, and – of course – femme fatales. ‘Cuz no one knows better than Santa Claus that the nicer they look, the naughtier they can be.
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The Santa Claus: Private Eye trade paperback hits comic book stores, bookstores, and select online retailers on November 29, 2017 – in plenty of time for Christmas – and will be available for the suggested list price of $14.99. It can be ordered by retailers from Diamond Book Distributors with Diamond Code SEP171446.