Magnetic Press and Darby Pop Publishing Announce Imprint & Partnership
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on July 22, 2015
Emmy-winning writer/producer brings line-up of original creator-owned titles to Eisner-nominated graphic novel art house.
Chicago, IL (July 20th, 2015) – First-year, Eisner-nominated publishing company Magnetic Press has announced an imprint partnership with Darby Pop Publishing, a creator-owned comic book studio founded by multiple-Emmy Award winning writer/producer Jeff Kline. Kline, best known for such fan-favorite series as Transformers Prime, G.I. Joe: Renegades, and Jackie Chan Adventures, will bring a line-up of original graphic novels and series to comic shops and book stores worldwide via the Darby Pop imprint distributed under the Magnetic Press banner.
The first title to be released through the new partnership will be SIDE-KICKED, dropping in October 2015. Written by Russell Brettholtz and illustrated by Miguel Mendonca, this 96 page trade paperback collects the first arc of the independently published comic series about a group of superhero sidekicks who decide it’s high-time they received the respect they deserve.
“In the current marketplace, it’s hard to get attention for any new titles, especially those not based on pre-existing brands,” says Darby Pop founder Jeff Kline. “But, in just their first year of existence, Magnetic Press seems to have found a recipe for connecting to a rabid fan base that both trusts their taste, and appreciates their commitment to the form. Originally, Mike Kennedy and I were just grabbing the occasional beer and sharing “war stories.” But, at some point, it dawned on us that we shared so many of the same passions — and goals — that a partnership only made sense. ”
“Jeff has a proven track record for spotting and cultivating the most entertaining stories,” says Magnetic Press president Mike Kennedy. “The Darby Pop line promises that same engaging, animated audience experience with a whole new set of properties. We’re excited to support those debuts in the coming year!”
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