Bleeding Cool Helps Celebrate One Year of Darby Pop!
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on July 4, 2014
Darby Pop’s quickly approaching its anniversary. Bleeding Cool’s Michele Brittany interviewed founder, Jeff Kline, about the founding of the company, the first year, and what’s in store for the future.
The full interview can be found here. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
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“In the beginning, there was a father who was so inspired by his artistic daughter that he named his publishing company after her. At last year’s San Diego Comic-Con International, successful television and film writer Jeff Kline officially announced the founding of Darby Pop Publishing. The company will be celebrating their one-year anniversary soon and recently I had the opportunity to talk with Kline about Darby Pop’s first year goals and accomplishments as well as an SDCC sneak peek announcement.
Taking a look at Kline’s body of work over the years – Transformers, Men in Black, Dragon Tales for instance– it comes as no surprise that he has been approached over the years to write comic books. Kline has worked on a lot of IPs, but he also wanted to “work on something new and break from the established myths.” And through a fortuitous meeting with David Wohl (Marvel, Top Cow, IDW), Kline began to seriously look at the comic book industry with the eye of starting a publishing company. Kline did a lot of research ahead of time, which can be boiled down to three major areas: solid story titles, marketing/distribution, and business models.”