June 2016 Events: FAKE EMPIRE Makes Its Convention Debut in New England!
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on May 23, 2016
The Maine Comics Arts Festival (MeCAF)
Who: Jeff Kline (Co-writer of Bruce Lee: The Dragon Rises, writer and creator of Indestructible, Founder of Darby Pop Publishing, and Executive Producer of Transformers: Robots in Disguise)
What: Since 2009, MeCAF has been Portland’s annual showcase for comic arts bringing creators to the public. Unlike a typical comic convention, there are no dealers and stores set up, just writers, artists, and publishers. Admission is FREE!
Jeff will have on hand all of your favorite Darby Pop titles including the first time since that the Fake Empire TPB is available for sale at a convention.
When: Saturday June 4th: 10am-5pm
Where: Portland Public Library: 5 Monument Way, Portland, ME 04101
NorthEast Comic Con
Who: Jeff Kline (Co-writer of Bruce Lee: The Dragon Rises, writer and creator of Indestructible, Founder of Darby Pop Publishing, and Executive Producer of Transformers: Robots in Disguise) & Russell Brettholtz (Writer of Side-Kicked)
What: The NorthEast Comic Con and Collectibles Extravaganza, A Pop Culture Expo is produced by Interactive Meet and Greet Entertainment (IMAGE), dedicated to providing an excellent experience for all attendees, exhibitors, and guests.
When: Saturday June 18th & Sunday June 19th
Where: Shriners Auditorium: 99 Fordham Rd., Wilmington, MA 01887
Panel Schedule
- Saturday, June 18th – 10:30am-11:30am: Independent Comic Authors and Creators Panel with Jeff Kline
- Sunday, June 19th – 10:30am-11:30am: Careers in the Creative Arts in the “Throne Room” with Jeff Kline
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