SIDE-KICKED: Meet the Cast — Frostbite
Written by Kristine Chester | No Comments | Published on August 21, 2015
In a world where the only thing worse than a super-villain is an egomaniacal superhero, it is up to the under-paid, under-appreciated sidekicks to both make their partners look good and keep common citizens out of danger. But what happens when the sidekicks decide that they’ve had enough? That’s the core question in SIDE-KICKED, a 96-page original graphic novel by Russell Brettholtz and Miguel Mendonca coming from Darby Pop Publishing this October.
And who are these haughty heroes, vicious villains, and sacrificial sidekicks? Find out in our new blog series, Meet the Cast!
BIRTH NAME: Walter Jefferson
AKA: Frostbite
POWERS: Can freeze objects by firing ice blasts from his hands
AGE: 32
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 195 lbs
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Hero: The fierce warrior, Atalanta, inherited not only the speed and strength of her ancient Greek namesake but her magical swords as well. With no wild Calydonian boars to hunt, the current Atalanta has instead set her sights on the criminals of her chosen city, Chicago, and protecting the innocent from those would do them harm.
Villain: The manipulative Quarrel can “goose” the emotions of those around him, turning fear into anger and anger into violence. On the bustling streets of the Windy City, Quarrel finds plenty of raw emotion which can be sculpted to suit his needs. No one is ever really safe from the dark machinations of Quarrel’s mind be they innocent passers-by, police officers, or even superheroes.
SIDE-KICKED (TP) is now available for pre-order from your local comics shop with order code: AUG15 1606, and will be released in-stores and digitally in late October. Stay tuned for future entries to meet the rest of our core cast.